So often HR struggles to prove the value of the service the department provides. I was talking with my students last night in a Recruitment and Selection course and we were talking about all of the different things that impact how we recruit and select our candidates. In our profession it is critical to monitor things like the legislative environment, the vision, mission and values of a company, the social and economic environment as all of these items directly feed into a companies strategic objectives and organizational requirements which directly impact who and how we recruit. When we bring in candidates that reflect these items, we are bringing in the talent that will allow our company to be successful. A company will not be successful without the talent needed to achieve the objectives.
Successful recruitment and selection is only one piece of the list of services that HR provides and yet, very quickly we see how critical it is to company success. As a profession, we are always looking for more ways to show our ROI to a company – the above comments -even without listing “numbers” very quickly indicates the criticalness of success and value to a company.
The next time you are gathering at the boardroom table, I challenge you to look around the room, if you don’t have an HR presence, ask yourself why?