Wouldn’t we all like to eliminate workplace conflict? Why do we have to have it? Why don’t we just all avoid it? Ahhh but that only works for so long…
The truth is, that it is impossible to eliminate all workplace conflict, and some conflict is actually good believe it or not! Conflict can bring about change, and inject new ideas!
Most of the time conflict is driven through Communication or Emotion. Think back to the last conflict you had at work, were you missing information or was there a lack of communication? Some of us will react based on emotion as well rather than fact – has this happened to you?
Knowing how to deal with conflict is key.
Let’s get to the tips!
1. Deal with it head on. Don’t let it fester because, it will only make things worse. Confront it and then seek to move forward.
2. Understand WIIFM – look at the other side and try to understand what it is that they stand to gain – the “What’s In It For Me” factor.
3. Decide whether it is worth it. Gauge the other things on your plate and the other battles you may encounter. Is this one really worth fighting for? If not, let it go.
4. Look at it as an opportunity. Is there something that could be gained through this? Could you view this conflict as a possible opportunity to maybe show some leadership?
5. Recognize differing perspectives. Is there something that you can learn from this other perspective? Is it possible you could be wrong or could stand to learn something?
6. Engage in in-person conversations. Conflicts can escalate through misinterpretations from email, phone or social media communication. Meet in person to discuss wherever possible.
Whatever method you choose, try not to avoid unless it makes sense to do so. Try to be open minded and look for opportunities to learn and grow as a result of conflict. Many people get too focused on their immediate reaction rather than take a step back and grow as a result of their exposure to it. It takes guts and at times courage. Don’t be afraid – you can do it!
Still struggling? You know we are 100% willing to help. If you have conflict within your company, your team, in your management group…don’t be afraid to reach out. Email